New Directives Regarding the Lifting of COVID-19 Restrictions

The following guidelines are issued for the Diocese of Camden:

LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS – Beginning on Friday, May 28th, the faithful participating in Mass, who are vaccinated against COVID-19, are no longer required to wear masks.  Those who are not yet vaccinated are encouraged to wear masks in accord with CDC guidelines. No one should be challenged in regard to this policy.  All pews may be opened for seating, all social distancing requirements are lifted for celebrations that take place in the parish church(es).  

Beginning on Friday, June 4th, parishes may return to full capacity for seating.  

All ministries may return to full service – altar servers, lectors, ushers, greeters and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Altar servers under the age of 12 should wear masks since they are not yet eligible for vaccination.  Ushers may take up the offertory collection at the proper time and the procession to present the gifts of bread and wine is to be resumed. The invitation to share the Sign of Peace is likewise restored – it is not necessary that the faithful shake hands as there are other ways to offer the Sign of Peace or those present may choose to do so only with their immediate relatives. The distribution of Holy Communion is to be returned to its proper place within the Communion Rite, but the Precious Blood is not to be distributed to the faithful at this time. Parishes must continue to be vigilant about cleaning commonly touched surfaces.

Priests, deacons and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion should not only wash their hands before and after Mass, but should use hand sanitizer immediately before the distribution of Holy Communion.