Certificate Sales

August 28, 2014 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Certificate Sales will be available from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM in the Ministry Center located at 773 Third Street behind St. Margaret Regional School. Certificate sales are a fundraiser for St. Margaret School. A percentage of each purchase is split 50/50. For example: You purchase a $100 shoprite card for $100.00 – that’s face value (there is a 5% rebate on that card – the school fundraiser gets 2.5% and you get to chose where you would like that 2.5% rebate to go… towards tuition, religious education tuition, your church tithe, St. Vincent dePaul, Youth Group or even back in your pocket!!) It’s a win-win for all!! There are certificates for ShopRite, Wawa, Macy’s even Disney…..if you’re planning a trip you can earn lots of rebates!!! If you would like a list of certificates available go to the school’s website www.stmargarets-rs.org click on parents then certificates then certificate order form for list or stop in during certificate sales on Thursdays during the summer. Also, a limited supply of certificates are available at the rectory.