Alliance of Two Hearts at Infant Jesus Parish

June 23, 2017 @ 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm

The Alliance of Two Hearts is a family oriented prayer group whose main goal is to being the whole family closer to each other and put Jesus and Mary and Joseph as the center of our life. Families get together to recite a devotion to Our Lady of Manaoag (2000 Hail Mary’s). The Alliance of Two Hearts meets every Friday (except the 1st Friday) in the Father Szolack Center, located at 2901 Good Intent Road (Schaefer Ave. entrance) in Deptford, NJ. And on occasional Saturdays for the 2000 Hail Mary’s. (Please check bulletin for updates. As of September 1st, the Alliance of 2 hearts will be changing their meeting place to Blackwood. Please contact Our Lady of Hope in Blackwood for more information.